Audio Realm Studios Recording Equipment in Houston, TX
Wide Variety of Professional Recording Studio Equipment
Because we record audio for all genres of music from metal to classical, we keep our studio well-stocked with a diverse collection of equipment. We mic a jazz trio entirely differently than a country band. As the industry standard, our sound engineers operate in Pro Tools. With years of experience on our team, our engineers and producers will take care of the technical aspects so you can focus on laying down your tracks.

Our Gear
Take a look at the hardware and software we use to bring your sound to life. If you don’t find something on our list that you need, talk to us about it. Chances are, if you don’t have a certain crucial piece, we know somebody who does, and we can integrate it into our work. If you prefer using your own drum shells or cymbals, let us know. We’re flexible here. However, we may encourage you to follow our suggestions for optimal sound. A certain crispy snare drum you have may sound great on stage, but in the recording booth, it may fall short of your desired quality. If you have any questions about our studio or our equipment, give us a call. We love talking shop and can’t wait to track, mix, and master your next album.

Pro Tools 2019.6 & StudioOne Pro 4
Steven Slate everything bundle subscription
UAD octo, solo, duo cards SSL channel,1176 bundle, Pulteq bundle, Tonelux tilt, Cambridge eq, Shadow Hills master comp, Ampex ATR 102 mastering tape recorder, Fairchild, Brigade chorus pedal, Fatso jr/sr tape sim and comp, Manley massive passive, Precision de esser, Precision eq, Precision mix rack collection, Real Verb pro, Roland ce-1, Teletronix la-2a, Teletronix la-3a, EastWest Composer Cloud, Antare Auto-Tune Pro, Brauer Motion, Slate Classic Tubes & Blackbird Modeling Software, Izotope 8, Waves F6 Dynamic EQ, Waves silver and gold bundles, Waves API collection, Waves SSL collection, Celemony Melodyne, Sony sound forge 10 mastering software, T racks mix and mastering bundle

Blue Baby Bottle | 1 Blue Spark |
2 Sterling s30 | Shure sm57 |
2 Sterling st31 | Shure pg48 |
2 Sterling s50 | Audio Technica 2040 |
2 MXL 991 | 3 Audix i5 |
2 MXLl 990 | Audix d4 |
1 MXL 3000 | 2 Audix d6 |
2-matched stereo pair MXL 840 | Mojave ma-201 fet |
1 Studio Projets T3 | Slate VML – 1 |

Digidesign C24
Sweetwater CS450 computer
PreSonus Quantum 4848
2 Yamaha HS 8 monitors
2 Focusrite octo pre mic pre
2 Golden Age pre 73 mic pre
4 Behringer ultra patch pro patchbay
4 Furman m80x pwr conditioner
Art tube mp studio DI
Livewire DI

1 Urei la 4 vintage
2 Dbx 163 vintage
2 Dbx 160
2 Dbx project 1 266 vintage
Dbx 166 vintage
1 Chameleon Labs 7720 stereo comp
2 Lindell Audio 17xs mk2
1 Art vla stereo comp
1 Joe Meek mc2 stereo comp

Yamaha stage custom birch kit
Sabian xs medium high hats
Sabian xs splash
Sabian xs medium thin 16" crash
Meinl hcs china
Sabian b8 18" rock crash
Sabian b8 20" ride
Sound Percussion high hat stand
PDP double bass pedal
Mapex single bass pedal
Mapex steel snare

96 Fender 62 reissue Foto Flame Strat
02 Gibson Les Paul Special
Zemaitis Z22QQDGB
Breedlove Black Magic Acoustic/ Electric
Electric Sitar
Takamine 12 String Acoustic
Ibanez Artcore Semi-Hollow
Eastman Acoustic Electric Dreadnaught
Fender 5 String Banjo

Beyerdynamic DT770
2 Shure srh 240A
AKG k240
AKG k 301
3 Audio Technica ATH m40
Behringer hps3000
Hear Technologies headphone management system

Digitech DSP128
Roland SD6-1000
Lexicon MX400
2 Aphex 109 parametric
1 Alesis peq-450

Marshall dsl 100h
Vox AC 15
Fender Frontman 212r
Marshall 1960a lead 4x12 cab

Alesis V49 MIDI Controller
Williams Overture II digital piano